
Friday, May 17, 2024

Is worship and duty two different activities?

 The satwik (the pure and good), love all as embodiments of God and engage themselves in humble service. Pundalika was one such. He was massaging the feet of his old mother when God appeared before him! He did not interrupt the service, for he was serving the same God, in his mother! Tukaram declared to Pundalika that it was God who manifested before him, but Pundalika did not waver. He asked God to wait for a while until he had finished the service of the God he had started serving. The prompting inside man to love his mother is an expression of the Divine Nature in him. If there was no spark of the Divine in man, he would not have loved at all. A person who loves is a theist, whether he goes to a temple or church, or not. Pundalika was not guilty of sacrilege, for he was actually worshipping God in His most accessible Form - his mother. You have to proceed from the known to the unknown!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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