
Monday, May 20, 2024

How can we practice true sacrifice and service?

 “Money comes and goes, but morality comes and grows.” Nothing is great in earning money. What happened to all the great kings of yore, who ruled over vast kingdoms? Could they take even a pie with them when they left this world? No! So, utilise the money earned for the welfare of humanity. Do not be proud of your wealth. Greatness lies in sacrifice alone. It is only sacrifice that confers immortality. Serve in your respective villages. Service does not mean sweeping the roads, cleaning the temple, and feeding the poor. Discharging one’s duty sincerely is true service. Work in accordance with the salary you draw. That is service to the nation. Ensure that the government is not put to loss under any circumstances. We are compelling the government to borrow, because we are not contributing our share in sufficient measure. All those who are members of the Sai Organisation should work hard and wholeheartedly. Embodiments of Love! Develop love, take care of your health, and serve the society. Then God will confer on you the necessary strength and happiness.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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