
Friday, May 17, 2024

Only the youth are capable of protecting this world. It is the youth and youth alone who can set this world right.

 While you are students, you must feel that studying is your first and only duty. Be witness to what’s happening outside the classroom; do not rush out and get distracted. Try to identify the One in the many; become strong, physically, mentally and spiritually; imbibe as much as possible the wisdom gathered in the past; cultivate skills by which you can serve society. The heart soaked in compassion is verily the altar of God. If you forget these ideals and allow greed, conceit and hate to take root in your hearts, you are lowering yourselves to the level of beasts. As a first step in educational progress, revere your parents and have love and gratitude towards them. It is through them that you have this wonderful chance of life on earth. They are custodians of culture, the earliest teachers who instilled virtue into you! Have compassion in your hearts for the unfortunate brothers and sisters, who are unlearned, ill or suffering. Try your best to open their eyes, to cure their ills and to alleviate their distress.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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