
Thursday, May 16, 2024

As long as you think God is present elsewhere, you cannot find Him. He is present in you. Make efforts to realise the indwelling Divinity.

 The Atma never undergoes modification; yet, it’s faster than the mind! That is the mystery and the miracle! It appears to experience all states, but it has no growth, decline, or change. Though it is everywhere, it is not perceivable by the senses. It is because of its underlying existence and ever-present immanence that all growth, all activities, and all changes take place. Cause and effect act and react on account of the basic stratum of the Atmic reality! Why, the very word “Isa or Lord” carries this meaning. The Atma is near and far, inside and outside, still and moving. He who knows this truth is worthy of the name jnani (spiritually wise). The ignorant can never grasp the fact of Atmic immanence. Those who are conscious can see things and feel their presence. Those who have lost awareness will search for lost jewels, even though they actually wear them at the moment! Though one may know all things, one conceives Atma in some unapproachable, unreachable place on account of loss of consciousness! But a wise person, who is aware, sees Atma in all beings and sees all beings as Atma!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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