
Thursday, May 16, 2024

What must we do to make the Divine Light of the Atma shine from within?

 The universe is an instrument to reveal the majesty of God. The inner firmament in the heart of man is also equally a revelation of His glory. He is the Breath of one’s breath. Since He has no specific form, He cannot be indicated by words. Nor can His mystery be penetrated by other senses. He is beyond the reach of asceticism, beyond the bounds of Vedic rituals. He can be known only by an intellect cleansed of all trace of attachment and hatred, of egotism, the sense of possession. Only spiritual wisdom can grant self-realisation. Meditation can confer concentration of faculties; through that concentration, spiritual wisdom can be won, even while in the body. The Brahman activates the body through the five vital airs (pranas). It condescends to reveal itself in that same body as soon as inner consciousness attains the requisite purity. For, the Atma is immanent in the inner and outer senses just as heat is in fuel and butter in milk. Now, individual consciousness is like damp fuel, soaked in the foulness of sensory desires and disappointments. When the pool in the heart becomes clear of slimy overgrowth, Atma shines in its pristine splendour!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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