
Thursday, May 16, 2024

To foster love is the purpose of all spiritual endeavor.

 If love forms part of your nature, Satya or Truth will be present. When your thoughts emanate from a mind purified by love, they will result in Dharma (Right Action). When love becomes part of your experience, thoughts and actions, you get Shanti (Peace). When we comprehend Love clearly, Ahimsa or non-violence will result automatically. So love is the unseen undercurrent binding all the four values. It can be summarised thus: Love plus thoughts is Satya; love plus feelings is Shanti; love plus action is Dharma and love plus understanding is Ahimsa. Love is the common denominator for all these values. It is the form of God, for God is love. One who gives love is a man and one who fails to nourish this love is a beast. Love, or absence of love makes one an animal, man or God. The nurturing of love is possible only in a tender heart. Because of attachment to worldly objects, that tenderness is lost.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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