
Thursday, May 16, 2024

Who are the cops that are following us in this lifetime, regardless of our preferences?

 A sense of real value must influence every choice that you make. The goal (lakshya) is God-realisation, the realisation of the reality over which all this is but an appearance! That should not be allowed to fade. So long as you act with an eye to benefit by it for yourself, you will have to undergo the consequences and suffer either joy or grief, being born to bear them both. A person being transferred from one jail to another will have two constables who will escort him; the punya and papa (good consequences and bad consequences of actions) are the constables who lead man from one birth to another! If you must escape from their attention and avoid migration from one jail to another, act but do not calculate the consequences. That is to say, do not worry about the consequences; leave it to God who prompted the act and made it possible. Dedicate the act, the will, the wish, all to God.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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