
Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Thought for the Day

 Embodiments of Love! It’s not enough to be happy just on Buddha Poornima. You must be able to experience bliss all the time, and you can do so by following the teachings of Buddha. These days, people are great heroes in making platform speeches but zeroes when it comes to practice. It is far more important to translate Buddha’s teachings into practice than to make eloquent speeches. This is the proper way to enjoy happiness. This is also the right way of showing respect and reverence to Buddha. The teachings of Buddha are lofty, sublime, and sacred. His most important teaching is: Ahimsa paramo dharmah - Ahimsa or nonviolence is the greatest dharma of all. Buddha asserted this with great emphasis and force. Buddha also advised that one’s looks must be sacred. He said, “Sacred vision is a must for leading a pure life. You should cultivate samyak drishti (the habit of looking only at good things) and samyak sravanam (the habit of listening only to good things). For Buddha, everything must be pure and sacred.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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