
Friday, May 17, 2024

What is the difference in approach between science and spirituality?

 The scientist is one who has an external vision. The one who has an internal vision is a saint. If you draw the figure of a circle, that which ends wherefrom it started in the full circle has been described as Poornam (the full or the whole). The Full Circle represents spirituality. For, in it the end and the beginning are the same. Spirituality knows no difference between beginning and end. To understand what is science, you cut the full circle into two halves. The left half is a semicircle which resembles the English letter "C”. "C" is science, that is, it begins at one point and ends at another. Between these two points, there is a big gap, which is called agamyagocharam -  it is beyond reach, invisible and incomprehensible. Matter and Spirit may be regarded as two semicircles. Scientists are only investigating Matter and are ignoring the Spirit. The two parts have been described in Vedantic parlance as Prakruti and Paramatma (Nature and God). The scientist is the one who enquires into the nature of creation. The saint is one who seeks to know the Creator. Once you understand the Creator, you can understand the whole of creation.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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