
Wednesday, May 29, 2024

What is the attitude with which we must take on the challenges in life?

 No matter what others say or do, have unflinching faith in God. Only the good face obstacles in their path. Whatever happens, is for your own good. When a student fails in an examination, he does not give up effort. He works hard to attain success in the next examination. Similarly, never give up in the face of adversities in life. Pleasure is an interval between two pains. Vyasa said, Na Sukhath Labhyathe Sukham (happiness cannot be gained from happiness). Happiness results only when you overcome difficulties. Happiness has no value in the absence of difficulties, just as light has no value in the absence of darkness. Difficulties are part and parcel of human existence. So, take them in your stride. Once Kunti prayed to Krishna to give her difficulties in life so that she could remember Him always. She said, “Krishna, when my husband, King Pandu was alive, hardly did I remember You, because I was immersed in pleasures and comforts. After his death, we were put to untold suffering, as a result of which we remembered You always. Now I realise the value of difficulties. They help me to remember You always. I am ready to face any hardship, but kindly ensure that my love for You never diminishes”.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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