
Thursday, May 16, 2024

Why should we willingly and gladly perform the allotted duties and enthusiastically take up service to society?

 Arjuna was directed to engage in battle, win back his share of the kingdom, and ensure for the people righteous administration and atmosphere wherein they can strive successfully to attain salvation. Arjuna had to do this in a spirit of dedication and surrender to the will of God, irrespective of his own likes and dislikes, and the consequences that might flow from his unselfish activities. Therefore the Gita advises that service to the society is the highest Seva, as well as the most beneficial Sadhana (spiritual discipline). You cannot run away from this obligation; you have to use the community of men wherein you are born for sublimating your egoism and saving yourself. Seva taken up as Sadhana teaches fortitude (sahana). Even Divine Advents demonstrate in their lives the supreme importance of service. When Dharmaraja performed the great Rajasuya sacrifice on the advice of Sage Narada to propitiate his deceased father, Lord Krishna attended the sacrifice and asked to be allotted some service; He preferred the service of removing leaves on which food was served for thousands who were fed every day!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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