
Friday, May 17, 2024

What should we do to understand our true nature and derive bliss?

 If you wish to understand your true nature, you have to do three things: Bend the body, mend the senses, end the mind. The first step is to "bend the body" - you should not allow the ego to develop within your body. Cultivate humility and do your duties sincerely. "Mend the senses" calls for examining how the senses behave, whether they are tending to go astray, and correcting and restraining them when necessary. "End the mind" calls for quieting the vagaries of the mind. How is this to be done? It is by turning the mind in a different direction. For example, there is a lock and key. When the key is turned towards the left, the lock gets locked. If the key is turned towards the right the lock is opened. In man, the heart is the lock. The mind is the key. When the mind is turned Godward the heart develops detachment. When the mind is turned towards the world, the heart develops attachment. Thus both detachment and attachment result from the way the mind functions. When the mind is directed towards Prakruti (Nature or the phenomenal world), bondage ensues. When you turn your mind towards Divinity, you experience bliss. "End the mind" means turning the mind Godward. All you have to do is to dedicate every action of yours to the Divine. Then everything becomes easy and a source of bliss

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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