
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

What is the true learning that students must aspire for?

 Students should try to develop the powers latent in them. The educated men of today believe in what they read in novels and newspapers, what they see in films, and even in the whimsical words of a passerby. But they have no faith in God. This is a great misfortune. Those who believe in the words of an astrologer or a purohit, do not trust the words of the Veda Mata (Divine Vedic mother), who has taught the four great truths: "Tat twam asi, Prajnanam Brahma, Aham Brahmasmi, Ayam Atma Brahma" (Thou Art That, Consciousness is Brahman, I am Divine, This Self is the Omni-Self), which declare: "O son, you are Brahman (Absolute Truth) itself." The educated waste their life by developing faith in petty mundane things and by refusing to develop faith in the wisdom to be gained by divine power and spiritual knowledge. It is in order to impart true, ideal education, and mould the students as ideal citizens for the service of the country that the Sathya Sai Educational Institutions have been set up.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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