
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

ou strive so much to earn wealth. Do you take the same trouble to experience God? Should you not spare some time for thoughts of God?

 Relying on the literal meaning of words, people wait for particular holy days, miss a meal and call it a ‘fast’, miss a night's sleep and call it a ‘vigil’! In Sanskrit, Fasting is called Upavasa. It means something far more significant than missing a meal! It means (Upa-near; Vasa-living) Living with, or living near. With whom? Near whom? Near and with God! Upavasa means living in the unbroken constant presence of the Lord, through remembrance of the Divine (Namasmarana) - That is the real fast, holding fast unto Him! Vigil (Jagarana) means keeping awake, shaking off the sleep of senses and being fully aware of the Light of Love, which is Divine! It means, shaking off drowsiness and laziness, and deeply concentrating in meditation and Sadhana! Look at the Sanskrit word for heart: hrudayam. It means, Hrudhi-ayam, or "Divine heart", that is, the place where He resides, where He is installed! Through vigil and practice of the constant presence of God, you must install Him in your heart and see Him as installed in all other beings as well!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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