
Friday, May 17, 2024

Why is it important to use some of the faculties gifted by God with caution?

 All things in the cosmos are the gifts of God. They are manifestations of His will. Some of them, however, have to be used carefully. When they are used intelligently after due enquiry, they can serve as boon-companions and give us happiness. Indiscriminate and reckless use of these things may turn them into our worst enemies. For example, there are objects like fire, a knife and electric current. It is only when they are used in the right way that you can benefit from them. If fire is not handled properly, it can cause great harm. A knife is helpful only when it is used carefully. Electricity serves us in many ways - by lighting bulbs, running fans, etc. Because of its multifarious uses, if one tries to be friendly towards it by touching a live wire, he will get a shock. In the same manner, man's sense organs have to be used extremely carefully. When the senses are used on the right lines, they are of immense help. But if they are used in the wrong way, they can cause great harm

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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