
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Why is every devotee celebrating Bhagavan’s Advent with such devotional fervour and love, in their own ways?

 Embodiments of Love! All who come embodied are Avatars, advent of Divine manifestations of God. What then is the special feature of Rama, Krishna, Buddha, and Christ? Why do we worship, adore and celebrate only these with reverence? The individuals that are in awareness are Avatars, individuals that are unaware are humans. They are aware of Atma which is the Truth. Because you have forgotten your true Self you lead lives with the feeling that you are human. As Divinity is in the Atma, the individuals with awareness are adored with the appellation of Avatars. Just like when you dream, you forget your many experiences during wakefulness, so too, having been born in this world with a body, you have forgotten the awareness of your Atmic nature and you have achievements in this dream world alone as your goal. As Divinity is beyond wakefulness, dream and sleep; beyond time, space and causation; a person with awareness of the divine nature can no doubt be proclaimed as an Avatar. Of what use is it to honour the Avatar and hold the day when the Avatar took human form as sacred? The message of the Avatar must be born, must become alive, must grow in you, in your heart; that is the birthday, you have to celebrate.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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