
Thursday, May 16, 2024

Why is training our mind important for crossing the ocean of worldly life?

 You need not renounce hearth and home and flee to the forest. There is no guarantee that hearth and home will not follow you into the silence and solitude of the forest! For, if your mind clings to worldly desires, you cannot escape them by simply putting some distance between you and them! You may be in the jungle, but your mind may wander in the marketplace! Similarly, you may be in the market, but by Sadhana you can still secure a patch of peace in the heart in the midst of the busiest thoroughfare. The mind can build a silent refuge or tie you up into complex knots. It binds; it loosens bonds. You can sail safe on the sea of worldly life if you have no leaks in the boat. But through the leaks of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada or Matsarya (lust, anger, greed, delusion, pride and envy), the waters of the world will enter the boat and it will sink, drowning you beyond redemption. Do not allow the water into the boat; stop all the leaks. Then, you need not fear the world, you can benefit from all the chances it gives for training the senses, widening affections, deepening experience, and strengthening detachment!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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