
Monday, May 20, 2024

Resolve to live with the Divine inspiring you every moment, live in constant remembrance of Him and His Glory.

 God is Eternal Power, Omnipotent, and Omniscient. He is the cause and consequence - the potter, the clay and the pot. Without God, there can be no Universe. He willed and the Universe happened. It is His play, the manifestation of His power. Man embodies His Will, His power, His Wisdom. But, he is unaware of this glory. The cloud of ignorance veils the truth. God sends sages, saints and prophets to unveil the Truth and Himself appears as an Avatar (divine incarnation) to awaken and liberate him. Two thousand years ago, when narrow pride and thick ignorance defiled mankind, Jesus came as the embodiment of Love and compassion and lived among men, holding forth the highest ideals of life. You must pay attention to the lessons he elaborated on in the various stages of his life. 'I am the Messenger of God,' he declared, in the first phase. Yes! Each individual must accept that role and live as examples of Divine Love and charity!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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