
Monday, May 20, 2024

What are the flowers God eagerly looks for from each and every one of His devotees?

 Flowers fade and rot soon. What God loves more are the flowers blossoming on the tree of man's own life, fed and fostered by his own skill and sincerity. They are the flowers of his virtues grown in the garden of his heart. Of these, ahimsa, the virtue of nonviolence, is the very first. This involves much more than abstention from injuring living beings. One should desist from causing pain to any living being not only by deeds but even by words and thoughts. One should not entertain any idea of hurting another or humiliating another! The second flower is indriya nigraham (mastery of the senses). One should not run after sensual pleasure and sensory joy. The third flower is Sarva bhoota daya (compassion towards all beings and all things), for, "All this is God”. The fourth flower is kshama - tolerance, fortitude. Kshama is identified by the scriptures with truth, righteousness, knowledge, sacrifice and joy. Without kshama man cannot be happy even for a kshana (moment). It promotes divine qualities. It reveals inner Divinity. One has to perform sadhana to earn it and establish oneself in it.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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