
Monday, May 20, 2024

Gain internal peace, internal joy; that can be done only when you act without an eye on the gain.

 If you know the road and the goal, then you can discover whether you are progressing or not; otherwise, how can you? The goal is to enlarge your vision, your empathy, your love to the extent that God has spread His Love, His Compassion and His Grace. So, be ever watchful to see that you strive to take in more and more of God into you. Blood must circulate from head to foot; Love must circulate from high to low; only then can health and happiness be ensured for the individual and for the community. This is God's world; all beings are His. He loves them all, as the Moon sheds coolness on all. Do not get attached to worldly things and pursuits. Be in the world but do not let the world be in you. Work disinterestedly, content to do your duty as best as you can. Have no desires to place before God, for, whatever He does with you, however He treats you, is the gift He likes best to give you!

Baganan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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