
Thursday, May 16, 2024

What is the paradigm shift that needs to be brought about for us to create a fair and respectful society?

 Everyone should respect others as one's own kin, having the same divine spark, and the same divine nature. Then, there will be effective production, economic consumption and equitable distribution, resulting in peace and promotion of love. Now, love based on innate Divinity is absent and so, there is exploitation, deceit, greed and cruelty. If man becomes aware of all men being 'cells' in the divine body, then, there will be no more devaluation of man. Man is a diamond; but, he is now treated by himself and by other men as a piece of glass! Man can realise his mission on earth only when he knows himself as Divine and when he reveres all others as Divine. Man must worship God in the form of Man. God appears before him as a blind beggar, as an an ignorant man, a leper, a child, a decrepit old man, a criminal or a madman. You must see behind those veils, the divine embodiment of love, power and wisdom, Sai, and worship Him through seva (selfless service).

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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