
Thursday, May 16, 2024

What are the two essential qualities that every one of us must strive to cultivate?

 We must recover faith in the Divine and make devotion to God the sheet anchor of our lives. Without devotion all our education is valueless. Embodiments of Divine Love! Man needs primarily two qualities - Devotion to God and the spirit of sacrifice. Without sacrifice, there can be no devotion. Sacrifice is the key to immortality. Man is caught up in the coils of selfishness and self-centredness. How long will these attachments last? Why sacrifice the lasting bliss of a divinely oriented life for the petty tinsel of worldly possessions? Devote yourselves to the service of mankind in a spirit of dedication and sublimate your lives. Your job is no doubt important for earning a living. But you must be prepared even to sacrifice it for serving the nation and upholding Truth, with faith in God. All possessions and relationships are transient. Only two things are permanent: Dharma (righteousness) and Keerti (a good name). A good name is got only through one's good actions and not as a gift from others. Avoid everything evil and cultivate the company of the good, and be good in thought, word and deed.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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