
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Discriminate between what is permanent and what is temporary and pursue the path leading to permanent bliss.

 The very physical frame which is so carefully nourished since birth rots and falls aside. What then shall we say of those who feel that these other things are "mine"? Theirs is but the delusion of an insane mind. Everything is untrue, everything is impermanent; they are castles in the air, constructions in dreams. Contemplate on this Truth; approach Shri Hari and glorify Him; that alone can confer on you permanent joy. Inside the room called Body, in the strong box called the Heart, the precious gem of jnana (wisdom) exists. Four wily thieves - kama, krodha, lobha and asuya - lust, anger, greed and envy - are lying in wait to rob it. Awaken to the danger before it is too late; reinforce yourself with the support of the Universal Guardian, the Lord, and keep the gem intact. That will make you rich in prema (love), rich in shanti (peace).

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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