
Thursday, May 16, 2024

What is the difference between the one who is attached to the physical and the one who has managed to break free from that bondage?

 Analysing the value and relative importance of objects and powers, people must give up identification of the spiritual Self with the physical body and recognise their true Reality. One who does this rises to the height of the noblest of people, laughing, playing, and moving without regard to the needs or comforts of the body. One who is body-bound is caught in worldly existence (samsara); for the one who is free from that bondage, their own true nature is their field of activity! Wind, lightning, and thunder have no permanent existence. When the rainy season comes, they appear in the sky and get merged in it. So too, the particularised individual (jivi) appears as separate for a specific time against the background of Brahman and gets merged in It at the end!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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