
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

What are the important lessons to learn from the celebrated Rukmini-Kalyanam?

 Rukmini is the individual self (jiva), and Krishna, the Supreme Self (Paramatma). She was suffering from rules and restrictions imposed by the objective world; egoism was her brother, and worldliness, her father. But on account of her good conduct, her mind rested on God. So she planned a method to reach God. Rukmini’s prayers, repentance, yearning, and steadfastness were rewarded. Her observance of the age-old code of good conduct at last saved her, for she went out for worshipping the universal Mother Goddess (Gauri puja) before marriage rites. In that temple, she was immersed in worshipping God, and was liberated from the bonds by God who was waiting! The soul yearned, and it won. They had met in the realm of the spirit! This is no ordinary marriage, though the people who write about it and describe it in divine stories speak of it as the romantic adventure of a wilful girl and a young, carefree bravado! It is the merging of That with This (Tat, the Godhead, with Twam, the individual).

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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