
Friday, May 17, 2024

Dedicate your minds to God. In due course, you will merge in the Divine and become one with God.

 What people have to learn today is to give up attachments to the things of the world and seek the love of God. When one cultivates the love of God, renouncing worldly things becomes as simple as leaving hold of a handkerchief. Clinging to property is difficult. Giving it up is easy when people have understood the meaning of God's love. Let people, wherever they may be, in villages or towns, cultivate faith in God, develop love and share it with one and all. Then they will experience ineffable bliss. Liberation will not come through meditation or penance. Love is the only means. When you render service with love, it will become meditation, penance and all else. Love is the fifth Purushartha, the supreme goal of life. Love is also the panacea for all the ills that affect society today.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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