
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

What is the best way to bring about unity in society?

 Pour your mind into the crucible of sadhana and melt it so that you can mould God thereby; then every atom of the mind will become an atom divine. The world is now living apart, in compartments, on the basis of race, religion, colour, creed, caste. etc. Those who question the validity and value of these compartments are themselves in a compartment, by themselves. Metal pieces heaped together are still pieces; they have not become one. The world is united only in the form of a heap; it has not been melted in the crucible of love and moulded in the image of God. The hearts of all men must be purged of hate. Speeches and writings cannot bring about the unity of man; can the ocean get hot, when the forests are aflame with fire? The ananda (bliss) that you derive when you are good and do good must be enough inspiration, enough reward. Resist all temptations to fall into vice, avoid treading wrong paths, and keep away from evil company.

Bagaavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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