
Wednesday, May 29, 2024

How can we constantly remind ourselves of God’s immanence in the world and in our lives?

 Is it possible for this boundless creation to be brought into existence by man, if there had been no Divine Principle behind it? For instance, fire is latent in the branches of a tree and in the tree itself. If the branches rub against each other, they may generate fire which could burn down the tree, branches, etc. Which is the power that filled branches with latent fire and also ensured that they did not destroy themselves by releasing that fire? Is man responsible for this? Take again the example of the process by which the food we intake is converted into blood. Is this the invention of any man? It is the immanent, all-pervasive power of the Divine that reveals Itself in numerous ways. We see flowers of all kinds. Men can make plastic flowers of the same kind. But can anyone fill plastic flowers with the native fragrance from natural flowers? This is possible only by the Divine! There is sweet water inside the tender coconut. Who poured water inside the coconut? Was it the work of any man? No. Only the Divine can do it! Examples such as these should serve to confirm your faith in the Divine!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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