
Monday, May 20, 2024

Faith in an Omnipresent God will sustain you when you are overwhelmed by the ups and downs of life.

 Embodiments of Love! Nature confers, like heat and cold, joy and grief. In one season, cold is most welcome as a source of comfort. In another season, warmth is equally welcomed. Both give comfort to man when he needs it. Hence both heat and cold must be welcomed by man. Both contribute to man's comfort and contentment. Time, space and circumstance decide their use and their value! This attitude of accepting the inescapable fact is proclaimed and praised as serenity and equanimity in the Gita. Samatwam Yogam uchyate - says the Gita. Equanimity, equal-mindedness, steadiness - this is called yoga! Happiness and misery, success and failure, obstacles and obstruction, defaming and denigration, praise and criticism, are intertwined; they can never be experienced singly. But man is elated by gain and depressed by loss. When praised, he is elated; when blamed, he droops. But man has to keep in mind that these are only phenomena like heat and cold. That is the prescription for mental peace and social serenity.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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