
Wednesday, May 29, 2024

What should the nature of education be for it to be comprehensive and wholesome?

 Education has to tend to the body, mind and spirit, in addition to intelligence. It cannot be confined to the four walls of a building. The Universe is a University for those who care to watch and learn. Awareness is life; so, the farmer, the carpenter, the smith, the sculptor, the merchant - all have the need to be aware of their duties and responsibilities, their skills and standards, which education must foster and fix. Education is no bookworm affair; the process must include study and appreciation of all trades, professions and guilds. It must encourage acceptance of the good and rejection of the bad. Spiritual education is not a distinct and separate discipline; it is part and parcel of all types and levels of education. In fact, it is the very foundation on which a lasting edifice can be built. Secular and spiritual education are like two halves in the seeds of pulses; the germ that sprouts is in between; it is fed by both.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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