
Friday, May 17, 2024

How should we train ourselves to serve others? And why should we practice it every day?

 Serve people with no thought of high or low; no service activity is high or low, all are equal in the eyes of the Lord; it is the readiness, the joy, efficiency, skill with which you rush to do it that matters! If you do not serve man, who’s your kith and kin, who has the same feelings, impulses and instincts as you, who is before you, alive and gladly accepting your service with a smile of gratitude, how can you serve Madhava (God), who is so far above and beyond you, so different and distant, so potent and mysterious? Train yourselves to serve God by serving man, in whom there is God installed in the heart! Convince yourselves that the service of man is worship of God. If you send away someone who runs towards your house for shelter from the rain back into the open street, isn’t that inhuman, to say the least? if you don’t do all that lies within your power to alleviate the pain another is suffering from, are you fit to be called human?

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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