
Friday, May 17, 2024

Every effort should be made to direct the vision inwards towards the pure and sacred Indwelling Self.

 The inner meaning of the Sun's northward journey must be properly understood. The north is represented by Himachala. ‘Hima’ means snow. It is pure, untainted and extremely cool. All these endow it with the quality of Prashanti (everlasting perfect peace). ‘Achala’ means that which is steady and unshakeable. Himachala does not refer to the physical Himalayan region. It represents that which is cool, peaceful and steady. The Sun symbolises the vision of man. The northward movement of the Sun is a call to human beings to turn their vision towards that which is cool, peaceful and unchanging. This means that men should direct their vision inward. This is the lesson taught by the Sun! Man's vision should not be confined solely to the external objects and worldly things which are transient and perishable. Man has been given this vision so that he may see the pure and sacred Divine consciousness abiding in his heart. The northward motion of the Sun - Uttarayana - is the appropriate occasion for developing this inward vision. This is the royal road for the spiritual aspirant to realise the Supreme.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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