
Friday, May 17, 2024

What is true love and where is it to be found?

 At the human level, love assumes many forms. The word ‘love’ is used in common parlance in the context of the relations between mother and child, husband and wife, master and servant, the preceptor and the pupil. But this is not true love. It cannot be termed Prema (love). It is only Anuraga (attachment). Prema can be applied only to the total love towards the Divine. It is utterly selfless. It has not come from the world nor has it fallen from the sky. It is Sahaja swaroopam (natural state). Today man has forgotten this sacred and enduring love. There is nothing equal to love in this world. Even nectar is insipid in comparison with the sweetness of love. This love makes the devotee and even the Divine dance in ecstasy. Such a love can find no place in the heart of self-seeking persons. It will dwell only in the hearts of the pure, the unselfish and the godly.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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