
Thursday, May 16, 2024

Why is it important to not renounce activity or Karma completely?

 The goal of karma (action) is Jnana (wisdom) and for Jnana, karma is the base. Combining the two in practice constitutes Seva (Selfless service). Through right conduct, the mind is purified and a pure mind leads to Atmic bliss. Hence, the duties that are enjoined on one have to be discharged. The foremost duty of man is to do good deeds with a pure heart. There should, however, be no egoistic feeling - "I have done these good deeds." It is not right to entertain the slightest desire to enjoy the fruits of these actions. Egoism and desire are the cause of bondage to Karma. Desire is the barrier between the pure mind and devotion to the Self. To regard the performance of right action as one's duty and to eschew egoism in one's conduct, and desire in one's motives is real sacrifice. Karma yoga teaches how actions should be performed. It enjoins duty for duty's sake. Yogah Karmasu Kausalam (Yoga is excellence in action). It enables man to recognise the image of the Divine in him.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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