
Thursday, May 16, 2024

What is the shortest way to reach the goal?

 Be as devoted and disciplined as Arjuna. Be as intelligent and strong as Bheema. Be steadfast and sincere, like Dharmaraja. Then, no harm can come to you; you will achieve victory in all your efforts. There are four F's that you must fix before your attention. (1) Follow the Master, (2) Face the Devil, (3) Fight to the End and (4) Finish at the Goal. ‘Follow the Master’ means, observe Dharma. ‘Face the Devil’ means, overcome temptations that beset you when you try to earn artha (wealth). ‘Fight to the End’ means, struggle ceaselessly; wage war against the six enemies that are led by kama (desire). And, finally, ‘Finish at the Goal’ means, do not stop until the goal of Moksha (Liberation from ignorance and delusion) Is reached. The F's are fundamental for the pursuit of the four Purusharthas (goals of life) - Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. I shall be ever with you, wherever you are, guarding you and guiding you. March on; have no fear.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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