
Friday, May 17, 2024

Realise all beings as divine. Then you realise all are one.

 Cows may be of different breeds, colours or sizes; but, the milk they yield is the same, the world over. So too, all religions, whatever their origin or extent of influence, are all means to teach man this process. Now, the law of human behaviour has become "each for himself", this is because the fact that all are "one-in-God" is not known and realised. This is the product of Sadhana; the conviction is of slow growth, but it must be acquired. Durvasa, the great sage who is famous in the epics for his asceticism, is also known for his anger when he is slighted or thwarted by others. He was so sensitive, so egoistic, so uppish, that he forgot the unity of all in God. He was ready with a frightful curse when anyone showed disregard for his inflated ego. Of what avail are all the years of austerity? Surrender all you have and gain the Lord.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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