
Monday, May 20, 2024

Why should we develop and offer true peace at the divine lotus feet?

 The fifth flower is shanti (inner peace). Shanti does not mean that one should not react at all, whatever others may say or however they abuse! It does not mean that one must be silent as a rock. It involves mastery of all senses and all passions! Inner peace must become one's nature. Shanti has detachment as the basic quality! The sea, which likes to gather and possess, lies low; the cloud that likes to renounce and give up is high in the sky. Shanti endows man with an unruffled mind and steady vision. The prayer for Shanti is usually repeated thrice. "Om, Shanti, Shanti, Shantihi," since Peace is prayed for, in the physical, mental and spiritual planes. Man should not bring his blood to boil nor should he yield to fear. Spiritual calm is exemplified by Emperor Janaka of Upanishadic texts. He was known as vidheha (without body), not because he was disembodied but because he lived in utter forgetfulness of body and its needs! He saw, heard and spoke only from the Divine plane of consciousness!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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