
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

What is the best way to get the full benefit of the most auspicious occasion of Shivaratri?

 Man should seek God alone. Once God's grace is secured, all else will be got with ease. For this, man must get rid of attachment, fear and hatred. He must perform all actions as an offering to God, who is omnipresent. The vigil and fasting observed on Shivaratri night have become a farce. True vigil and fasting consist of concentrating one's thoughts on God during the whole night. God's grace is a direct sequel to one's actions. Each one must examine and see in what spirit one is performing one’s worship. The Divine can be realised only through Shraddha and Vishvasa (steadfastness and faith). The Divine is within everyone. Once man recognises this fact, he will give no room for bad qualities. Embodiments of Divine Love! Dedicate yourselves to the performance of your duties. Do not waste your time or that of others in idle talk. Starting with the duties of the individual, man should aim at achieving oneness with the Divine as the ultimate goal. Shivaratri is an auspicious occasion for concentrating the mind on God. Devote at least this one night entirely to the contemplation of God, to the exclusion of all other thoughts and worries.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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