
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Why and how must the heart be prepared?

 Just as no seed can sprout without rain and without seeds no rain can produce a crop, the devotee must sow the seeds of Namasmarana (chanting the Lord's name) and develop devotion with the help of a shower of grace from the Divine. This was Gopika’s prayer to Krishna that He should water their parched hearts with the flow of love from His flute. Gopikas prayed to Krishna to play on His flute such that the essence of the Vedas flow out of it as melodious music. Everyone should try to convert their body into a flute for the Divine to make His music flow through it. The body should be made a fit instrument for such music. Then it becomes a means of service to others. The best way to love God is to love all, serve all. You must learn even to love your enemy. A kind word even to an enemy may eliminate his hatred. It is through love that man should refine his nature

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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