
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

How can we remain equanimous towards praise and blame?

 In the modern world, praise and blame, exultation and humiliation, have become common. Man is elated by praise or gets frustrated by blame or criticism. To be elated by praise and distressed by blame reflects one’s weakness. To maintain equanimity in pleasure and pain or praise and blame is a difficult proposition. One may wonder how it is possible to maintain such equanimity. You should ask who is the one that criticises and who is the one that is criticised. If you consider that it is the body that is criticised, then there is no need to worry because you know the body is ephemeral and is bound to perish one day or the other. It is a container of foul material like urine, faecal matter, etc. Why should you be affected by this? You are not the body. If it is Atma that is criticised, the same Atma is present in both —  the person who is criticising and the one criticised. So this means that person is criticising himself! Both praise and blame pertain only to the body. If you respond to it, that means you are accepting the contents thereof. If you do not receive it, it goes back to the sender.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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