
Thursday, May 16, 2024

You have faith in the driver of your car, in the engineer who built your house. So too, believe in the Inner Motivator, the Atman within, the Voice of God.

 The ear, skin, eye, tongue, nose — these five senses are able to cognise sound, touch, form, taste, and smell respectively. Objects of knowledge are cognised only through these five. The world is experienced through these instruments, which stand intermediate between the knower and the knowable. The inner capacity to understand objects is named the mind (manas). The mind moves out through the senses and attaches itself to objects. At that time, by that very occurrence, the mind assumes the form of that object; this is called a function (vritti). The mind is non-intelligent (achetana), so its transformations and manipulations (vikaras) are also non-intelligent, non-vital. A wooden doll has only the property of wood; a sugar doll, the property of sugar. The unintelligent mind cannot achieve knowledge of the supreme Intelligence (Chetana) which pervades the Universe. Just as the unintelligent chariot is directed by a charioteer, a charioteer must direct the unintelligent mind (manas), seated in the mind and having it as His vehicle. The motive force that activates the inner instruments, the senses of action, the senses of knowledge, the five vital airs (pranas) — that force is God!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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