
Monday, May 20, 2024

How can we ensure that the lessons of Vedanta learnt are internalised?

 Now, people read and study all kinds of unintelligible Vedantic texts and struggle with commentaries and notes and translations to grasp their sense. It is being poured down their throats, but the portion does not get down to soften the heart. It is not translated into practice. The truths of the Vedanta are put on for public exhibition, as in a drama, where appropriate dresses are worn on the stage but taken off when the actor moves off the stage. They do not adhere to them all the time to derive the Bliss of the Soul (Atmananda), which they can give. It is chiefly a matter of careful, well-timed, regulated discipline; it cannot be got by spurts and skips; it has to be climbed step by step, each step being used as a foothold for the next. Virtues must be cultivated in the home; each member sharing in the joy with the rest, each one seeking opportunities to help others. This attitude must be stuck to, so it stays as character! How can a vessel with mouth facing down be filled with water? It must be open to receive good impulses. Learn each lesson by systematic study. Application and effort alone will give success.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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