
Wednesday, May 29, 2024

How can we secure the best insurance ever possible? What is the premium we should pay?

 Every act must be regarded as an offering to the Divine. It may not be easy to develop such an attitude. But if the effort is made sincerely, it can be achieved. It does not call for abandonment of hearth and home or giving up your wealth and position. What I ask from you is to devote half an hour in a day of twenty-four hours to service. Is this beyond your capacity? If you can serve the Government or someone for eight hours a day for the money you earn from them, experiencing in the process many trials and difficulties, can't you devote some time to winning God’s grace, the benefit from which is immeasurable? What you earn through the grace of God will confer on you enduring benefits greater than the wealth you earn. The grace of God is like insurance. It will help you in your time of need without any limits. Material wealth confers bhoga (enjoyment) which leads to roga (illness). Selfless service is the Yoga which secures Divine grace!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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