
Thursday, May 16, 2024

Why is discipline so very important in our life?

 Embodiments of Love! Discipline is like the primordial life principle for every living being. For all human beings, it is like their backbone. Discipline means to follow certain rules and regulations implicitly. These rules regulate the life of a person and lead them on the path of goodness. Otherwise, the person will meet their downfall. Without discipline, there can be no well-being (Na sreyo niyamam vina). Humanness cannot survive in the absence of rules and regulations. The entire human race will be wiped out if there is no discipline. Discipline cannot be acquired from books, nor can it be taught by a teacher. Discipline should become the habit in one’s day-to-day life in a natural manner. It is essential to follow discipline every moment of one’s life from morning to evening. It is necessary for every community, every society, every race, and every country. Even in the field of politics, discipline is very necessary. No society, nation, political system or race can exist without discipline. It is discipline that brings about unity between person and person, person and society, and one society and the other. Therefore, discipline is the hallmark of human life.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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