
Thursday, May 16, 2024

What is the best way to attain the state that Swami refers to as the ‘illumination mind’?

 At the time of birth, man has no desires. But as he grows up, he acquires many desires which lead to bondage. Man should fill his mind with love for God. He should forget all his worries and contemplate on Him. This is possible only through practice. Reading, writing, walking, talking, all these are learnt only through practice. Likewise, even in the path of spirituality, practice is very essential. Start practising love. That is the correct spiritual practice. Share your love with more and more people. You will experience oneness. Once you start sharing your love with everybody, then the whole world will become one family. After expanding your love in this manner, control your external thoughts and turn inward. Then you will attain the state of Illumination Mind where there are absolutely no thoughts and no action. Even the iron is melted by the power of electric current. Likewise, the duality of good and bad is annihilated by the Illumination Mind. In spiritual parlance, this is called samadhi state which means sama+dhi (equalmindedness). The Illumination Mind unifies good and bad and develops the spirit of oneness. What is it that you have to do in order to attain this state? Serve all with love. Consider service to man as service to God.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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