
Friday, May 3, 2024

As Sadhakas, what is the surest way to reap a good harvest for our spiritual effort?

 In Sadhana marga there are two steps, Vidhwamsaka (Removal of something), and Vidhayaka, (Conscious effort of developing something). When a farmer wants to sow seed in his land and get produce, the first thing he will do is to remove all unwanted bushes and weeds in the land. Thus, the first step is Vidhwamsaka or destroying unwanted things. Then he would plough and water the land and make it ready to sow seeds. Land here means “kshetra” which also stands for our heart. This heart is comparable to a land and the first thing that you must do is to cleanse it and remove impure thoughts which are already there. You must then plough that land with compassion and kindness and finally fill it up with the waters of prema. Only after filling it with prema, you can sow the seed of the Lord’s name. If you sow the seed in such a clean place which is well prepared, it will sprout easily. Thus cleanse your heart and sow the seed of the Lord's name. Then, you can reap a good harvest.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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