
Friday, May 3, 2024

How can we invoke and benefit from the ‘divine power’?

 The divine power does not operate independent of human effort. In fact, every individual has this divine power. They are invoking divine power as an auxiliary to their own power, which comes from the Divine. Failing to recognise their inherent divine power, they attribute it to someone other than themselves. Some devotees tend to blame Baba if their desires are not fulfilled. When devotees pray with pure hearts, their purity itself helps to bring them relief. But they are thankful to Baba for saving them. Baba is not involved in either of these results. They are the fruits of the devotee's efforts and attitudes. In our college, there is a placard that carries the saying: "Dharma protects its protector. It destroys its destroyer." Likewise, when your faith in the Divine is total, that faith will help you. Develop that confidence in the Self. The Self is not visible even as the foundations of a big mansion are not visible. But without the foundations, the edifice cannot stand. Likewise, self-confidence is the base for self-satisfaction. The roof of the mansion is self-sacrifice. Then you have self-realisation.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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