
Monday, May 13, 2024

How should we deal with people who ridicule those that we adore or us?

 When the Buddha sat under the Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya, after the illumination that revealed to him the Four Noble Truths, gangs of disbelievers gathered around him and poured ridicule and abuse on him. His disciples were enraged; they prayed to the Buddha, "Lord, give us leave; we shall beat this insolence and ignorance out of these traducers." But, Buddha only smiled at their anger. He said, "Dear ones, know you not how much joy they derive from this exercise? You derive joy worshipping me. They derive joy pelting me with abuse. You pour reverence; they pour ridicule and receive equal satisfaction. Control yourselves; do not hate anyone, that is the teaching. This is the ancient ordinance." Some people cannot tolerate glory in others; some are filled with the venom of envy; some are demonic in nature and cannot tolerate holiness and divinity; some are perverted by disappointment and cast the blame on God; such people will indulge in abuse. If you associate with such people and their followers, you will only be contaminating your mind.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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