
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Most of us are virtuous and seek righteous pleasures. But what is the attitude we must develop which will make us truly dear to the Lord?

 In the world, there is on the one side the attraction of the Preyo-Marga (path of pleasure) and on the other, the Sreyo-Marga (path of purpose). Those who seek the pleasures of the senses take to the Preyo-Marga. Only the spiritually wise, who are indifferent to the fleeting mundane pleasures derived from the senses, and who are austere and pure-hearted, pursue the Sreyo-Marga. There is another path, which transcends both. These two paths encompass all the possible desires of human beings. The quality of Anapeksha goes beyond both of them. Anapeksha is described as being free from desires. But this is not wholly correct. It is when a man gives up the feeling, "I am the doer" and "I am the experiencer," that true Anapeksha emerges. This means that the conceit of doership and the sense of enjoyment of desired things should be wholly renounced. This is the true state of Anapeksha (desirelessness). It is only when all actions are done as an offering to God that Anapeksha prevails. When such a feeling fills the heart of the devotee, the Divine confers beatitude on him. Such a devotee is dear to the Lord.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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