
Monday, May 13, 2024

What is the one panacea for all the ills in society and the world?

 All of you are sparks of My Divinity. So, share your love with your fellow beings, just as I share My love with you all. Then you too will become divine. When everyone follows the sacred path, the world will undoubtedly attain peace and prosperity. Embodiments of Love! Give up ignorance, light the lamp of wisdom within you and ultimately merge with the divine. This is Swami’s message for you today. Develop love. Through love alone you can annihilate the mind and through love alone can you get cured of any disease. Only love can eradicate evil qualities in you. So, love all. Love hridaya, the heart, not the physical body. Love the divinity installed in your heart. Body, mind, intellect and senses are merely instruments, you are the master. So, master the mind and be a mastermind. Never become a slave of your mind. Contemplate on the divine day in and day out. You may chant any name and contemplate on any form; but understand the truth that God is one and only one.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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